It's RELO season!
Updated: May 6, 2023
Transitions are hard. Moving is a PAIN. Even if you are excited about the change, orienting to your new job and where you live is exhausting for the brain and body. It just takes time. Our brains love predictability, which is partially why we avoid change and love habits (even the bad ones). Relocating can be done in increments which helps a lot. We recommend spending time with many real estate agents, getting a guided tour of the area, and having lunch with a local to help speed up the orientation. Another shortcut to becoming a local is to frequent the same place every day or at least a few times a week. Coffee shops, gyms, eateries, parks with your kids, and dog parks are good places to visit. Another tip is to ask colleagues to get lunch.
Okay, back to relocating; when working with HR, relocation packages can vary depending on the company and the situation. Thankfully when you work with a recruiter such as us, we do all we can to advocate for your relocation needs. We prefer that relocating not break the bank or your back!
Here are some common items that can be negotiated:
Moving expenses: Companies may cover the cost of packing and transporting your belongings, but there may be limits on the amount or type of items they will cover. You can negotiate for a higher allowance or ask the company to cover additional costs, such as temporary storage or insurance.
Temporary housing: If you need to stay in temporary housing while you look for a new home, the company may cover the cost of a hotel or short-term rental. Negotiate a longer stay or a higher budget if the housing market is tough.
A home sale or lease breaking: If you need to sell your home or break a lease to relocate, the company may offer assistance with the costs or penalties. You can negotiate for a higher allowance or ask for more flexibility, such as being able to sell your home at a higher price at a later time.
Relocation bonus: Some companies offer a cash bonus to employees who relocate. You can advocate for a larger bonus or for the bonus to be paid out in installments over time.
Salary adjustment: If the cost of living is higher in your new location, you can negotiate a salary adjustment to help offset the increased expenses.
Spousal or partner support: If your spouse or partner needs to relocate with you, the company may assist with finding employment or their relocation expenses. Companies sometimes offer additional support, such as career counseling for your spouse.
It's important to remember that not all companies offer relocation packages, and even those that do will have limits on what they can negotiate. Again as recruiters, we make a case for why you need additional support so you don't have to.