23 years of tax recruitment 337 Completed searches 130 Fortune1000 companies
Our clients come back because we convey their opportunities more clearly, and more thoroughly, getting their story (not just a job) in front of the best talent, not simply talent that is on the market.
Candidates connect with us because we deliver on giving them the opportunity to do more of what they love in the office and beyond.
In our recruitment process, transparency is critical from start to finish. At PGAA Tax, we believe in providing complete transparency to our clients and candidates to ensure the process runs smoothly and efficiently. We don't hide who our clients are because we don't want to engage a tax professional in the recruiting process unless they think the opportunity is worth their time. We also won't ghost you if the client doesn't want to move forward (the worst part of our job, but an important one). We have a team of two recruiters who work on each search, and we only take on searches that we are confident we can successfully fill. We understand that time is of the essence in the recruitment process, and long-term vacancies can be costly and lead to burnout among your team. Therefore, we strive to make our searches as efficient as possible, ensuring that your story gets to the market and the right people as soon as possible. This is why we take tens of thousands of resumes and narrow them down to 3-4 in our first round. We don't blast your job description to thousands of people but select technically aligned candidates and go from there. Our selective tax recruitment strategy is designed to deliver top candidates who are excited about the changes ahead. We believe that change is exciting and nerve-wracking, so we do everything possible to minimize opportunities for all parties to stall out or lose motivation. At PGAA Tax, we stay connected to the tax professional community and have our ears to the ground to ensure that we understand how tax professionals feel about career moves right now. We also have the dirt and the diamonds on your tax department, so we deeply understand what our clients look for in their ideal candidates. Conversely, we will be able to match candidates that will blend with the culture and bring the needed skills to be successful on their new tax team. We are professional storytellers, not job pushers. We tell the client's story and showcase their personality, which is why we can get great candidates who want to learn more about the opportunity to work with our clients. We make moves quickly (26 days faster than the average recruiter) because we know that losing inertia can be a significant barrier to success in the recruitment process. By maintaining transparency and staying connected with our clients and candidates, we deliver successful placements time and time again.